Monday, January 4, 2016

Among other things, these may be the coolest timelines online


Histography is mesmerizing, but it's also infinitely useful and extremely fascinating. It uses events and dates from Wikipedia posts to create a stunning visual of all of Earth's history. Look 13 Billion years ago at the Big Bang to Elvis' death, everything in between and beyond. 

It's sleek, and provides all the open source multimedia resources Wikipedia does. (Quick note: though Wikipedia gets a lot of grief about it's accuracy - whether justified or not - it's also a significant stockpile of digital multimedia such as free and fair to use images and videos.)

Museum of the World

The British Museum, in cahoots with Google, has a brilliantly interactive timeline that intends to examine the world's history - by way of the museum's artifacts - and how they connect both to history and to all cultures. Every artifact clicked on will link itself to other artifacts across what looks more like a guitar neck than a timeline. 

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