Thursday, February 4, 2016

Use Kahoot? Have your students try "Ghost Mode"

Kahoot! has made it's way through the building as a pretty popular quizzing and review application. But, Kahoot's "Ghost Mode" allows student to play on their own against their previous scores. From the Free Tech 4 Teachers blog
First, run a Kahoot game as you normally would. At the end of the game select "ghost mode" to run the game again. In ghost mode students play against their own scores from the previous game. Then when you run the game students will be competing against the "ghost" version of themselves from the previous running of the game. For example, I play a game as a student in the first running of a game then in the second running of the game I'll be competing against my previous score as well as those of my classmates.
And, just like that, you're maximizing your already prepared review tool. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I've also used it to create competition between 2 classes. The first class plays normally and then my next class plays against them in Ghost Mode. Unfortunately, it only saves the ghost scores from the previous time it was played, so if you play Ghost Mode a third time you are competing against the scores of the second time.
    -Don Canton
